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The world needs strengthening in relationship, reverence and renewal – cultivating all of these within the context of Christ’s saving love and the sacred life of triumph in Him. There is no other way. For He is The Way, The Truth and The Life.
“Be strong in The Lord and in His mighty power!” Ephesians 6:10. God’s power is peace, love and joy – even in the midst of life’s challenges – and beyond them!
We are made to love and be loved. We are made for deeper love. We are also called to love deeply, from the heart. May you know deeper love – the deeper love of Jesus Christ. He died on the cross to save us from our sin and was raised to new life on the third day. In Him, we are loved, forgiven, and cherished. In Him, we can walk in peace, love and joy! This is the fruit of His deeper love in our lives!
You are loved! You are dearly loved and precious! There is only one you. God made you to love and cherish you. He loves you with an everlasting love. He desires that you love yourself as He loves you – kindly and tenderly. He desires all that is good for you. His heart is for you! You are loved! Celebrate His beautiful love today!
Shine bright! There is only one you. You were made for peace, joy and love! Shine bright!
Life is full of challenges. When we shine bright, the light outshines the darkness. Shine bright, Beautiful One! Today and always!
~ Mandy
Mandy Seymour describes what it is to live inspired and encourages listeners to seek to live the inspired life.
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We are made to live in the fullness of life in Christ. How? Mandy Seymour shares keys to live in the fullness of life in this episode.
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How do you know when you are in a Predatory Relationship? In this episode, Mandy Seymour discusses the signs of a Predator.
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Women are valuable.
International Women’s Day celebrates women around the world. Love them. Cherish them. Appreciate them.
What would the world be like without women? Women care for and nurture their loved ones and homes. They work to provide a better life for their children. They live and love from their hearts.
Women are valuable. Let us celebrate and appreciate the value and contribution of women in our world! Not just today, but every day!
Women are valuable. ~ Mandy Seymour
Mandy Seymour is an insightful and inspiring Executive Coach and Personal Advisor. She helps clients to find balance, success and vitality in their lives and relationships personally and professionally.
Mandy specializes in confidence + communications coaching, work-life balance, love and relationships, and personal growth.
Mandy pursued her PhD in Positive Neuropsychology. She is certified in Entrepreneurship Esssentials from Harvard Business School. She earned a Masters of Theology from Dallas Theological Seminary. Mandy utilizes an integrative coaching approach to help clients attain optimal success in every area and to live inspired!